viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Final Session

I am in my last week the class. This is the semester VIII. The next year I complete my goal of becoming a teacher.

I have traveled a long road of challenges, problems and joys. But have achieved very good results.

When I enter basic pedagogy study wasn`t my first choice, I wanted to be a historian.
My first option wasn`t to study basic pedagogy, I wanted to be a historian. But in the first semeter o I knew the importance of my profession in the early childhood. My first knowledge has motivated me to continue learning.

I have had subject and teacher very good. These experiences have taught me to meet the children and their potential. During this time I have understood the importance of education to be critical and reflective people. All society is explained by social scientists such as psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists. They assist the teacher in working with the educational community.
This reflection has led me to learn. I have had very good grades, because I strive. However some teachers very bit committed to education. They did classes very basic.
But there are two teachers who have been important to me. Math teacher and the registration practices teacher. The firt teacher is important because it showed me that mathematics is not just addition, subtraction and formulas. Many people hate mathematics because they don`t understand. I learned that mathematics teaching begins with concrete material, because the thought of children is central.

The teacher of Registration practices always us teaches the latest theories and training experience. In her class I knew the educational philosophy Reggio Emilia. this knowledge showed me another concep of child and the work to be performed as teacher.

There fore I started working on a project to grow as a teacher. I find the teacher expert on the subject, the Spanish Alfredo Hoyuelo. He invited me to work on their school in Berriozar.
This semestre have been very hard for me, because I have nine subject and the grade seminary. But I am very energized with the travel. There fore I have not had time to attend classes and study more, because I have had that get financing. Together with my colleagues we have sought the Money. We have spoken with the department of education, the Rectory of the University, the Ministry of Education, airline, ect. But unfortunately We didn`t get enough Money. So We had to go into debt to make this journey of learning and to improve the initial education of our children

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

Improving your faculty facilities

I have stayed on the university almost four years, and I have seen the same problems. Since I am in this faculty, books have always lacked, As well places to study and work, lockers to store things and one biggest casino too.
All these things can be improved, only it needs to invest resources and that the university authorities do something, and they think about the student’s life.
To me, the lack of books is what most concerns us, because in all tests, works or investigations the teachers always ask for bibliography. We go to library and the books that we need are not found, so, we go to another library to search them. Definitely the university must to buy more books or renews them.
The library is very small to study in there, so we need a room to study in all time, this place must be spacious and comfortable for not disturbing others people. Besides, the faculty’s casino fills up very quickly, therefore lacking chairs and tables for the lunch. On the other hand, the lacking of microwaves is a problematic too.
Well, these situations can be resolve when the student’s centre of the faculty together with others centres, they conduct a survey with the problems most concerns us and send it as a project to invest resources necessaries.
As the life in the university is very hard and so exhausting, the beneficiaries of these changes would be we, because this solution improves us our study and our life.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

My favorite music

Hi everyone:

Today I am going to talk you about my favorite music.
I have different kind of music. It`s depends of my on mood. When I weak up I turn on the TV and I sets the channels with dance music, for example: Cumbia, regueton or salsa. While I am making the breakfast I see the video clip.

But my favorite kind of music Alternative style, as Radiohead, Youthsonic. My band fovorite is Radiohead. I have all her CD: Pablo Honey (1993), The bends (1996), OK Computer (1997), Kid A (2000), Hail to the Thief (2003) and In Rainbowns (2007).

I just bought a albun of radiohead, the CD In Rainbows. The other Cd`s I have downloaded the Internet. I found them in the site wed ARES.
I started this band when I was in secundary. I always dreamed that Radiohead come to Chile.

My dream came true on 27 March this year. the band present in our country the tour In Rainbow. It was so beautiful!
I bought tickets to the first row, but there were so many people, that I can´t see.
My favorite song this band is All I need. This son gis the last CD.

when I was little I started playing violin and take singing lessons. I spent whole afternoons learning to read and make music. I was 12 years old. I played the violin very well, but I was sick of my hands. I had to stop playing violin, because my hands were swollen and I hurt a lot.

For me the music is very important for human development. Unfortunately in our education we are reducing the hours of study. We give more importance to Language and Mathematics.
Is in the early childhood is where we develop the musical talents and as teachers we have a great work to do.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Children as young as 10 to be given careers advice

In the web site I found an article related with my career. The article is about government strategy to raise aspirations and help break down barriers to social mobility. This strategy works with children young as 10 year. They receive careers advice in primary schools.
The Ministers is interested in career counseling from the “widespread criticism of the careers service, with a new report from education charity the Sutton Trust this weekend warning that only 55% of 15- and 16-year-olds received formal careers advice last year, compared with 85% in 1997”.
The advice work will do through online careers and mentoring for older children from businesspeople, older peers and others from next year, plus careers advice via Facebook, YouTube and through blogs. The move reflects concerns that children from middle-class families get advice from parents and friends who know the university system and whose professional networks make it easier to wangle prestigious work-experience slots.
What do think teachers of this strategy? For them is necessary to make the families workdays to talk about career choices with young children. However, the teacher says: should not be allowed to stifle imagination or narrow children's options too soon."It is perfectly reasonable for children to think about what they might do in life, but what this absolutely must not do is predetermine what children might do before they even leave primary school," said Christine Blowers, general secretary of the NUT.
I think that this government strategy to raise aspirations and help break down barriers to social mobility isn´t the correct, because the children are influenced by the views of adults. In the kindergarten children always dream of becoming a teacher, doctor, astronaut, footballer, president, etc. The adults do haven´t rights to terminate their preferences, such advice is a function of an economic society.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

The cinema and films

I like going to the cinema, because I enjoy seeing the movies. But I don´t go often, because is very expensive, but between the day Mondays and Wednesdays is cheaper. I go to the cinema when I like the movies there are. I last go the Saturday witch my boyfriend. We saw “Super”, is the Chilean movie.
When had the video recorder, we saw the movies in the video and we had to rented. There are very few videos club because changing the format to see movies. Now see your movies on DVD.
My favorite film is “The lion King”. I saw this film when I had six year. My parents took me to the cinema to see the movie. As I liked the movie, my parents buy the film when go in video. Is an animated film produced by Disney Studios.
I have seen this movie about 15 times. For me the film is very good because have parties funny and sad. The moments more sad is when Scar launched the vacuum to his brother Mufasa. And the parties more funny is when Simba meets to Timon and Bumba, together live many adventures.
This film is for all family, especially for children. They enjoy witch the character that are jungle animals, for example the lions, suricatta, Mandrillus, Hyaenidae.
The film “The Lion King” won many awards, including: Oscar for Hans Zimmer for "Best Soundtrack" and Elton John (music) and Tim Rice (lyrics) "Best Original Song" for "Can You Feel the Love Tonight". Golden Globe for "Best comedy or musical film. Grammy for "Best composition written specifically for a movie or television". MTV Movie Award for "Best Film Song"

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Santiago Dear

Hello everyone:
Today I am going to talk about my city, Santiago of Chile.
Many people live in Santiago, so the public system isn`t enough.
When I finish studying I want to live outside Santiago, preferably in the south of Chile, because I don´t want to live a stressful life.
But Santiago offers more entertaiment to young people than other cities, because a large number of people live there.
if you are from another city or country, you can go to some historic places that are free, for example: Santa Lucia Hill, San Cristobal Hill, The Catedral, San Francisco church, O`Higgins park, the Government House (The Moneda)
If you want to know how the young live, you must visit the Forestal park. Every Sunday young people meet there to do theater, dance, circus, sell clothes. But not only young people go there, also people all ages meet in this beautiful park.
You must the next activity and visit there places:
First: You should go the center of Santiago. This place you found historical monument. For example: The San Francisco church, Santa Lucia Hill, The Plaza de Arma. This moment and places have more the two hundred year when the Spanish come our country.
Second: You should a football match between Universidad de Chile y Colo Colo. Now our National Stadium is closed for remodeling, if you will have to go to the Stadium Monumental. You can you can live your passion of Chilean football.
Third: You should go Bellavista. This a place where young people go to the city. There are much pub, discotheque, restaurant, etc.
Fourth: When you finish the “carretear”, for your body you must the Center Mercado. You can found the typical food Chilean, for example: Fish, Cazuela de ave or the carne, pastel de choclo, cardillo de congrio, salds and desserts.
Fifth: You should go to Juan Gomez Milla. This is a campus of the University of Chile. you meet many people nice. In “Los pastos” you found people that are students of education, psychology, anthropology, sociology, arts, film, sciences, journalism, etc.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

My favourite TV serial: The Simpsons

The Simpsons is an animated series in sitcom format, created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company and is issued in several countries.
In our country this TV serial is issued by Channel 13´ every day at seven p.m.
The Simpsons are a typical American family living in Springfield, a fictional town of "middle America". Homer, the father, works as a safety inspector at the nuclear power plant in Springfield 7G sector, a position at odds with his personality neglected.
He is married to Marge, a stereotypical housewife and mother with whom he has three children: Bart, a troubled boy of ten years. Lisa a precocious eight year old activist. And Maggie, a baby who does not speak but communicates by sucking on a pacifier. Family owns a dog, Santa's Little Helper, and a cat, Snowball II. Both pets have starred in several episodes. Despite the passing years, the Simpsons do not age and still maintain the same look they had in the late 80s.
The series also includes a group of secondary characters: co-workers, teachers, other relatives, family friends, townspeople and local stars.
This series has for issued more than twenty years. We can watch this TV serial for to laugh of the problems of modern society. In thirty daily minutes, we watch to Homer working at a nuclear plant can comment on the state of the environment. We can follow the years of Bart and Lisa to Springfield Elementary School and to see the controversial issues on the topic of education. La ciudad posee además un amplio número emisoras de televisión que permite a los realizadores hacer chistes sobre sí mismos y el mundo del entretenimiento.
The Simpsons is a series that brings together family entertainment at a time, brings together young and old.