jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Children as young as 10 to be given careers advice

In the web site http://www.guardian.co.uk/ I found an article related with my career. The article is about government strategy to raise aspirations and help break down barriers to social mobility. This strategy works with children young as 10 year. They receive careers advice in primary schools.
The Ministers is interested in career counseling from the “widespread criticism of the careers service, with a new report from education charity the Sutton Trust this weekend warning that only 55% of 15- and 16-year-olds received formal careers advice last year, compared with 85% in 1997”.
The advice work will do through online careers and mentoring for older children from businesspeople, older peers and others from next year, plus careers advice via Facebook, YouTube and through blogs. The move reflects concerns that children from middle-class families get advice from parents and friends who know the university system and whose professional networks make it easier to wangle prestigious work-experience slots.
What do think teachers of this strategy? For them is necessary to make the families workdays to talk about career choices with young children. However, the teacher says: should not be allowed to stifle imagination or narrow children's options too soon."It is perfectly reasonable for children to think about what they might do in life, but what this absolutely must not do is predetermine what children might do before they even leave primary school," said Christine Blowers, general secretary of the NUT.
I think that this government strategy to raise aspirations and help break down barriers to social mobility isn´t the correct, because the children are influenced by the views of adults. In the kindergarten children always dream of becoming a teacher, doctor, astronaut, footballer, president, etc. The adults do haven´t rights to terminate their preferences, such advice is a function of an economic society.

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