miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Santiago Dear

Hello everyone:
Today I am going to talk about my city, Santiago of Chile.
Many people live in Santiago, so the public system isn`t enough.
When I finish studying I want to live outside Santiago, preferably in the south of Chile, because I don´t want to live a stressful life.
But Santiago offers more entertaiment to young people than other cities, because a large number of people live there.
if you are from another city or country, you can go to some historic places that are free, for example: Santa Lucia Hill, San Cristobal Hill, The Catedral, San Francisco church, O`Higgins park, the Government House (The Moneda)
If you want to know how the young live, you must visit the Forestal park. Every Sunday young people meet there to do theater, dance, circus, sell clothes. But not only young people go there, also people all ages meet in this beautiful park.
You must the next activity and visit there places:
First: You should go the center of Santiago. This place you found historical monument. For example: The San Francisco church, Santa Lucia Hill, The Plaza de Arma. This moment and places have more the two hundred year when the Spanish come our country.
Second: You should a football match between Universidad de Chile y Colo Colo. Now our National Stadium is closed for remodeling, if you will have to go to the Stadium Monumental. You can you can live your passion of Chilean football.
Third: You should go Bellavista. This a place where young people go to the city. There are much pub, discotheque, restaurant, etc.
Fourth: When you finish the “carretear”, for your body you must the Center Mercado. You can found the typical food Chilean, for example: Fish, Cazuela de ave or the carne, pastel de choclo, cardillo de congrio, salds and desserts.
Fifth: You should go to Juan Gomez Milla. This is a campus of the University of Chile. you meet many people nice. In “Los pastos” you found people that are students of education, psychology, anthropology, sociology, arts, film, sciences, journalism, etc.

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