viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009


Hi everyone:
We start today a new stage in the blog, our last one. Through this website I`d like share wiht you me experiences and my life.
The first term was very hard for me, because I had ten nine subject and I lived the died the one frend. But despite the all thing bad I grew as person.
The last semester I leared much in the university, was this semester that I had more interesting subject, for example: mathematic, in where I saw the didactic discipline. I can understand the mathematics in a short time more tan in the all my life school. Also I had enviroment construction wich learned concepts very importat in education as curriculum, assessment and planning.
My free time was short, because I had Schedule very extensive. I intered at half past eight and I at six o´clok, so I arrived a mi house to rest, I shaed with my parents, sisters and boyfrend. But the days Saturdays I worked in the Pudahuel city with poor children, in evening entertainment and reinforcement lessons.
The challenges hardest that I had to face was the die the my frend Victor. This situation was very sad and painful, beacuse I didn´t understand why her make decisión. Whit the time I have understand and agreed that many there people that can´t found solution to their problems. But I will miss victor.

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