lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Transportation System: Transantiago

I remember February 2007 when it launched the new transportation system of our city of Santiago. In those days the capital had less people, because it was vacation time. The government allowed to know the routes of bus without pay your fare. I live in the town of Maipu for which reason the system to change would affect me anyway.
I believed the new system is better than the pre-system because: first: before I delayed a half hour for to arrive to university, now only one hour. Second: which the transfer system I may save time and Money. Third: bip card facilitates the payment of passage. Fourth: The students aren´t longer discriminated against drivers bus.
When the new system started everything was a mess. The buses were insufficient for the number of passengers, the subway collapse because we save a passage, people didn´t know very well their journeys. Now is easier to take a bus, although at peak times the wait time exceeds 20 minutes.
Live in an overcrowded city requires all the efforts political also social for that innovations result. The stress of work demands affect the detachment of human relationships and therefore the tolerance that we have with others. I believe that the changes will benefit all of society needs to feel that we live with other. Our concerns can´t overcome the gestures of kindness and tolerance

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

New Zealand, the country I would like to visit

Today I going to talk you about the country that I like to go. But I want your to know which I do not like life in the city. I prefer the quiet and natural places.
I like to go country New Zealand, because of beautiful scenery natural. When I saw the movie: “The lord of the rings” I Love her places, as mountains, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, grazing plains and great forests. Although our country to have also places natural wonderful as in the South. On this occasion I must speak of a country that I would like to go.
I know about New Zealand for the documentaries in where to show her geography and culture. Is a country of Oceania that is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands. The population is mostly of European origin however the Maori people represent a significant minority. There is also some Polynesian and Asian minorities are important and are found mainly in cities.
if I were to New Zealand I would like to know their beautiful landscapes especially where they recorded the movie The lord of the rings.
For the natural landscape and low population density I would like study English in this country. Besides to studying in New Zealand is easier to achieve from the economic point of view because the costs of tuition and living are lower than other traditional study destinations

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009


Hi everyone:
We start today a new stage in the blog, our last one. Through this website I`d like share wiht you me experiences and my life.
The first term was very hard for me, because I had ten nine subject and I lived the died the one frend. But despite the all thing bad I grew as person.
The last semester I leared much in the university, was this semester that I had more interesting subject, for example: mathematic, in where I saw the didactic discipline. I can understand the mathematics in a short time more tan in the all my life school. Also I had enviroment construction wich learned concepts very importat in education as curriculum, assessment and planning.
My free time was short, because I had Schedule very extensive. I intered at half past eight and I at six o´clok, so I arrived a mi house to rest, I shaed with my parents, sisters and boyfrend. But the days Saturdays I worked in the Pudahuel city with poor children, in evening entertainment and reinforcement lessons.
The challenges hardest that I had to face was the die the my frend Victor. This situation was very sad and painful, beacuse I didn´t understand why her make decisión. Whit the time I have understand and agreed that many there people that can´t found solution to their problems. But I will miss victor.